CIS 120
I am creating this blog for CIS 120, because this is what Mr. Eric Magidson wants us (CIS 120 CLASS) all to do for Unit 3 Chapter 1.
1. Is professor Grossman off the mark when he says “I tell my classes that if they just do what they are supposed to do and meet the standard requirements, that they will earn a C,” he said. “That is the default grade. They see the default grade as an A.” why?
I don't think Professor Grossman is off the mark, rather this is his personal opinion. I am about to wrap up my bachelors degree and have experienced numerous teaching styles. I liked some teaching styles more so than others, but all of my instructors and professors each had their own way of grading. I experienced some instructors/professors similar to Mr. Grossman, I had to go above and beyond what was required to earn a better grade than the default grade of a 'C'.
2. What do you think is causing students to feel entitled to receive a good grade? Is it because a grade of A is now the expected default for "average" work where in reality a grade of A denotes "above average"? Are the students prior expereinces in high school or earlier the cause? Are parents to cause "my child is perfect so it must be the instructors fault"?
This is a loaded question and can go any direction, it just depends on who is answering it. In my personal opinion, I think generation Y's thought process has shifted and most believe they are entitled to more than anyone else. I honestly think generation Y is the laziest of any previous generation and has been enabled so by society. I don't like this question to be honest, I get pissed when I see and hear about people claiming they are entitled to things. As a veteran, I'll be the first to say no one is entitled to SHIT! If an individual didn't earn whatever they desire, then they don't deserve it.
3. Give your honest opinion of the article. Do you feel you deserve grades based on your effort or is it that you earned the grade you receive because of your effort? Anything else you would like to add?
I think it's a good article but don't agree with everything that is being said within the article. I believe that the grade an individual earns is a direct representation of the effort applied to a given class. Some classes will be harder than others, but as long as the student understands the class expectations/objectives, he or she should be able to match the required effort needed to obtain the desired grade they want.
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